
Not Normal

Not Normal

The Brief

Mini wanted to remind the uk that although it had many imitators, none generate the love, creativity and passion amongst its drivers like a mini does.

The Response

To show other car drivers what they were missing out on, we celebrated the not normal relationship MINI owners have with their car. Not many car brands would have the balls to replace their slick car photography for ones made from sand, moss and biscuits. But that’s what makes MINI not normal.

We looked to show that MINI was more loved than any other small car

So we sourced hundreds of images that feature lovingly created MINI inventions (such as MINI furniture, cakes and even body art!) and made them the centre of a participation campaign which spans out of home, digital, social, TV, PR, CRM, dealership activity and events. An online film asks the public to help MINI track down those images and inventors they haven’t been able to find.